Friday, July 20, 2012

Quick Update

Trip finished his last round of intravenous methotrexate last week. It was the last planned hospital stay. He threw up once and got a rash, but both events were short lived, thank goodness.

His hemoglobin is low again this week, so we are watching him closely in case he needs a blood transfusion. So far, he seems to feel great.

We go in for a follow up appointment on Tuesday and will get instructions on how to proceed with chemo at home. He will take 6MP daily and one round of methotrexate every two weeks. He will have to take methotrexate over a 24-hour period: 6:00 a.m., noon, 6:00 p.m. and midnight. We might start it either on Tuesday or wait until Friday to accommodate his upcoming school schedule.

I apologize for being such a slacker with updates. Life has been chaotic the last couple of weeks. I have many texts, emails and calls to return. I promise I’ll get to each of you. I appreciate your patience and support!

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