We have still been battling germs at our house. Trip had/(has?) pneumonia, Colson had bronchitis, and I had strep. I think we are finally all on the mend. Hopefully we can stay well for Christmas. Trip has had a great week and was able to go to school full days last week. This week he has the regular Tuesday appointment with his oncologist to get counts before chemo starts Friday. Hopefully it will be an uneventful week as far as any illnesses go and we can get another round of chemo under his belt. There was talk of doing another chest x-ray to see if he still has pneumonia.
Trip and I went to see Rise of the Guardians yesterday. What a good movie at a good time. The Guardians are Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Sandman and Jack Frost. They protect children against Pitch, who is the boogieman representing fear. It is a great good vs. evil movie. I’m not sure Trip really comprehended the full lesson at his age. He was primarily happy the good guys win in the end (sorry for the spoiler ;) ). There is good in this world and there is evil in this world. There will be times we feel safe and times we feel fear. We all have a decision to make about what we believe in most and what motivates us. My hope is that we are motivated by love instead of our fears and insecurities. It is my job as Trip’s mom to comfort and protect him when he is scared and to encourage him to count his blessings. I can’t protect him from LCH. I can help him to see the good around him and the loving people surrounding us. In helping him, I'm helping myself. What we focus on gets bigger. I hope my focus is always on love.
My heart goes out to the families in Connecticut. I can’t imagine the pain and bewilderment they are facing. True evil showed its face in Newtown. I hope somehow, someway, someday they will feel safe, see the good and notice the love surrounding them.