Why can’t time stand still so I can get an update written?? I never thought I would be busier with chemo at home and Trip back in school part time, but I am!
Trip started school a week ago Monday. There have been tears and a few negotiation tactics on his part (“Mom, will you pick me up in three hours instead of four? How about three and a half?”). The teachers tell me he is doing great at school and now the tears aren’t as frequent.
Chemo at home was fairly easy. The noon and 6:00 p.m. pill taking was great. The midnight and early morning hours for pills were a little rough. Trip couldn’t wake up enough to swallow sufficiently. He eventually got them down, but was pretty upset by the end of the 8 pills and actually said he would just go to the hospital instead (he was obviously very tired).
Last weekend was rather busy with fun birthday parties. I’m not sure if it was the level of activity or chemo or both, but by Sunday Trip was exhausted. He slept all afternoon and was still in bed at a normal hour. We still aren’t sure what to expect with this maintenance phase. We will learn as we go as we have through this entire process. The doctors expect his counts to start rebounding now. This week his hemoglobin went up a bit, but is still well below the “normal” range.
The Make a Wish Foundation called and asked if we would like to go Disney this month! While we were excited and honored, we didn’t feel comfortable going since starting the new drug protocol, and we were concerned about Trip being in the sun and heat for prolonged periods.
The blessings I feel right now are louder than the worrying voice in the back of my head. I’m thankful for tears about school instead of the hospital. I’m thankful for chemo at home and for Trip’s willingness to do what is needed and expected of him. I’m thankful he is making friends in school and having more “normal” days. I’m thankful for you all for following our journey and most importantly showering us with love and support.